Thursday, March 6, 2008


I must admit, I laughed to myself when I heard the weather forecast. But it started about 9 am and it just stopped. The boys got out of school early and have had a blast playing in it. Well, Jake has had a blast, Hunter has too, but .....

Riley isn't much of a fan!
Blue & Clarice have enjoyed playing in it!

It was a fun, unexpected surprise. One last glimpse of winter --


Pat Taylor said...

Did the batting cage survive? We are suppose to get the snow tomorrow and Saturday. We can't wait! We haven't had a good snow in years. So send it on and then we will be ready for Spring.

Anonymous said...

We got it Friday and last night--about 8 inches or so. Our kids had a blast playing in it and getting pulled by the 4-wheeler. There are a couple of pics on the Bogg Blog. Glad everyone was safe from the fire.

John and Renea