Wow! We've been so busy with baseball this week!
We had games at 8:00pm in Bowie (which is an hour away) on Thursday night and Friday night. Saturday we had a game there at noon and 4, but the one at 4 got rained out. We sat in the car until 5 and finally just left. We were supposed to play at 8am this morning, got there & it was raining, and the tournament got cancelled. So we got up at 5:30 and drove 2 hours for nothing! Not a big deal since diesel is so cheap right now! ha ha
The boys have done great! We won our 1st game 10-7, won the 2nd one 27-12, then Saturday lost to our old nemesis the Burke Blaze 21-18. It was such a heartbreaker!! That's the 4th time they've beat us and we get closer every time. We were ahead most of the game. They have won 6 tournaments this summer and have yet to be beat.
Jake cracked his bat somehow and has been using a big barrel bat the past 2 games. He went 3 for 3 against the Blaze and scored runs all three times! They are such a good group of boys and we're having so much fun with them.
Here's a picture of half of the team in my car watching a movie while we were waiting to see if we'd play our game Saturday afternoon.
Here's a video of a couple of Jake's hits:
Pics from this morning :(