Friday, June 20, 2008

June 20 Update

Sorry it's been so long! We have been busy!

Jake has been playing baseball. He had a tournament this week...1 game on Tues (won), 2 games on Wed (lost 1, won 1) and a game last night for the championship, which we lost to the same team that beat us last time! But they played them great last night. We're going to beat them next time!! We'll see them again I'm sure.

Hunter has started going to Mother's Day Out for 6 weeks. He is enjoying playing with a lot of his buddies who also go. They went to the Old Post Office Museum yesterday and had water day too.

Riley is also going to MDO and has enjoyed it. He's been enjoying Jake's games too.

Last weekend we went to Brownsville so the boys could go fishing with PaPaw. They had a blast. We stayed at Jack & Diana's friends' house and the boys got to swim. Kelly & I took them to Padre Island one afternoon so they could play at the beach. And they got to go fishing too. It was a very long drive, but it was fun.

Here's a link to some of the pictures:

We still have the 5 puppies and their momma. They are all adopted though! YEAH!!! They had their 1st puppy shots yesterday, so they will have another set in 2 weeks and then they'll go to their new homes. We have adopters coming from over 2 hours away to get these guys. They are so worth it...they are so sweet!!

The boys have had so much fun with them. We're all going to miss them.


Pat Taylor said...

Well, it's about time! We were beginning to think you all had left the country. The boys look great!

Lauren said...

They are getting SO big! Send them down to Missouri City. Wade needs some kids to go with him to the bucket pool!

beverly said...

It was great to see the pictures! We miss you all!