Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween pics

Don't have many pics, Hunter wasn't cooperating, so this is the only one I have of him!
He was a scary ghost. Riley was a shark and Jake was a football player.

I wish I knew what Riley was thinking....

This one cracks me up!

Of course they have been going through their candy all morning. They had fun trick or treating last night. Jake went with his 2 friends and Kelly took Hunter & Riley on a hayride with some friends around town hitting all the stops, including the nursing home!

I helped my friend Jennifer hand out the 500 candy bars she had bought. She lives on the busiest street and her husband was out of town. We ran out of candy about 8:30 and had to turn off the lights. It was madness--I didn't know that many people lived in Graham! haha

Kelly is hunting this morning, it's opening day of deer season. Hunter & Jake have soccer games at 11, so I guess I need to get ready for that. Jake isn't even here, he spent the night with his friend. He is getting to the age where he doesn't much like us any more :(

Hunter is bargaining with Riley, making promises he can't keep. For example, "Riley, I'll get you a Lightning McQueen backpack if you give me that toy/candy/whatever he wants at the time" and of course Riley falls for it every time.

I made about 100 Halloween cookies for the boys' school parties. Finally got my kitchen cleaned up this morning. From past experience, I know that my kids are the only ones in their class that DON'T eat the cookies. Why do I bother???
Follow this link and watch the video and you can catch a quick glimpse of me in the courtroom for our animal cruelty case! We won custody of 4 horses, 2 dogs and a pot belly pig. The boys are enjoying having them at our house. haha!! Just kidding. They aren't at our house. I promise!

1 comment:

Pat Taylor said...

I can't believe NO Power Rangers this year!!!