Sunday, January 31, 2010

The end of January

Well, today is the last day of January. It really flew by! As usual!
What have I done this month? ...besides not write on this blog...:)

We spent Christmas in KY and had a great time! I know, that's December, but I felt it was worth a mention at least!

January 8th was a big day for me. The Humane Society of Young County (which I am currently president of) shut down a puppy mill right here in our own community. The week that followed was emotionally and physically draining. I spent a lot of time out at the shelter trying to make sure all 72 dogs that we took in that day were able to stay warm in the FREEZING conditions.

That Saturday, Jake and Hunter started their basketball seasons. They have both done SO well and I'm so proud of them. They got a basketball goal for Christmas and have been putting it to good use.

Jake's sport of choice though, continues to be football. Every chance he gets, he calls all of the neighborhood boys to meet him for a game in our across-the-street-neighbor's yard. It's 31 degrees as I type this and they are out there playing!

Riley prefers sitting by the fire :) He was sick all week last week, but seems to be feeling better now. I'm ok with him staying inside....until he starts bossing me around like he is now. He has cookie sprinkles out and he wants me to bake him some cookies. He's telling me "there's no waiting" I ask, "what are we going to do?". He won't tell me though. I know what he wants, he wants me to play video games with him. But it's a no win situation playing video games with him. He gets mad if he loses. I'm not saying I'm that great, but I am a little better than he is. He assures me that he will teach me how to do it like he does.

Hunter has talked Kelly into buying him new tennis shoes, even though he just got new ones for Christmas. About a week ago he told me he didn't really like them. Amazingly, over the last couple of days, they have started hurting his foot to the point that he can't walk with them on. Crazy how that happened.

I think Riley just called China. He's beating me down to go play Mario Kart. I'm about to cave so I will wrap this up.

Sorry it was so long between blogs last time!
Happy Sunday!

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